About Us

Our Mission

To deliver exceptional nursing and convalescent care for individuals, ensuring their full recovery and swift return home, while serving as a leading partner in supporting the NHS and local authorities.

Our Values

Dignity: To treat each person as an individual with their own intrinsic values

Choice: The right to select care and support from a range of options

Rights: To be allowed the basic human rights as the rest of society

Independence: Allow each person to live as they choose making their own decisions

Fulfilment: Enable each person to meet their personal goals within their life

Partnership: To work with families and agencies in delivering best service

Statement of Intent

At HBC you are very important to us. So, to ensure you receive the best possible life experiences we will do the following:

Engage with the community we work in

Listen to our clients and staff

Train our staff to be competent and productive

Encourage people to succeed

Create opportunities for a better lifestyle

Assess people’s needs objectively and in a non-judgemental way

Relate to people at their level

Honour people’s culture and diversity

Observe good practice

Maintain a good reputation with our partners and the community

Educate people to understand the nature of the work we do

Support people to achieve their potential