Quality and safety are a commitment to our clients, their families and our staff 24 hours
a day, 365 days a year.
We require all our staff, our partners, and our Board to establish and maintain safe systems of
care, in which safety and quality of service is managed, monitored, and quality assured.
Our quality and compliance framework is
underpinned by five priorities:
- Safety
Safety first, safety always and effective risk management.
- Effectiveness
Care, treatment and support are based on the best
- Caring
Delivering care with compassion, kindness, dignity, and respect.
- Responsiveness
Responsive to the experiences of all the Clients we
support to meet their needs and using these experiences to measure ourselves against the
highest standards for quality and outcomes.
- Strong Leadership
HBC’s leadership, management and governance assures
the delivery of high-quality person-centred care encouraging learning and innovation to
promote an open and transparent learning culture.
During 2024/25 we are:
- Introducing a ‘Freedom to Speak Up’ programme.
- Harmonising our approach to whistleblowing
- Introducing a staff charter
- Revising safeguarding arrangements, including a review of training & governance for
safeguarding and serious incident reporting.
Our Quality Assurance Committee oversees and supports the quality, compliance, and clinical
governance framework across the organisation.
The key roles for our Committee in giving assurance to our Board, the CQC, our residents (and
their families) and our staff are
- The scrutiny and oversight of all health and care quality matters.
- Monitor and advise on safeguarding of staff and clients.
- Promote awareness of safeguarding for Clients and share best practice.
- Provide effective oversight of Safety responsibilities.
- Ensure that appropriate policies are current, updated, implemented and monitoring systems
are in place.
- Review and monitor serious case reviews, including complaints, whistle blowing allegations
or reports arising from quality audit, ensuring lessons are learned and shared.